Principais Referências
Referências principais (veja também os questionários e ferramentas utilizadas) – em inglês e francês
Na literatura, utilizamos uma revisão de SA Krawietz
- Flook, L., Goldberg, S. B., Pinger, L., Davidson, R. J. (2015). Promoting prosocial behavior and self-regulatory skills in preschool children through a mindfulness-based Kindness Curriculum. Developmental Psychology, 51(1), 44–51.
- Mendelson, T., Greenberg, M. T., Dariotis, J. K., Gould, L. F., Rhoades, B. L., Leaf, P. J. (2010). Feasibility and Preliminary Outcomes of a School-Based Mindfulness Intervention for Urban Youth. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 38(7), 985–994.– 9418-x
- Schonert-reichl, K. a, Oberle, E., Lawlor, M. S., Abbott, D., Thomson, K., Diamond, A. (2015). Enhancing Cognitive and Social–Emotional Development Through a Simple-to- Administer Mindfulness-Based School Program for Elementary School
- Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Developmental Psychology, 51(1), 52–66.
- Albrecht, N. J., Albrecht, P. M., & Cohen, M. (2012). Mindfully teaching in the classroom: A literature review. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 37(12), 1–14.
2012v37n12.2 - Bei, B., Byrne, M. L., Ivens, C., Waloszek, J., Woods, M. J., Dudgeon, P., … Allen, N. B. (2013). Pilot study of a mindfulness-based, multi-component, in-school group sleep intervention in adolescent girls. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 7(2), 213–220.
7893.2012.00382.x - Black S. et Fernando, R. (2013). Mindfulness training and classroom behavior among lower-income and ethnic minority elementary school children. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 23(7), 1242-1246. doi: 10.1007/S10826-013-9784-4
- Britton, W.B., Lepp, N.E., Files, H.F., Rocha, T., Fisher, N.E., & Gold, J.S. (2014). A randomized controlled pilot trial of classroom-based mindfulness meditation compared to an active control condition in sixth-grade children. Journal of School Psychology, 52, 263–278.
jsp.2014.03.002 - Demarzo, M. M. P., Montero-Marin, J., Cuijpers, P., Zabaleta-del-Olmo, E., Mahtani, K. R., Vellinga, a., … Garcia-Campayo, J. (2015). The Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Primary Care: A Meta-Analytic Review. The Annals of Family Medicine, 13(6), 573–582.
1863 - Diamond,A. (2010). The Evidence Base for Improving School Outcomes by Adressing the Whole Child and by Adressing Skills and Attitudes, Not Just Content. Early Education and Development, 21(5), 780-793.
- Flook, L., Goldberg, S. B., Pinger, L., & Davidson, R. J. (2015). Promoting prosocial behavior and self-regulatory skills in preschool children through a mindfulness-based Kindness Curriculum. Developmental Psychology, 51(1), 44–51.
a0038256 - Greenberg, M. T., & Harris, A. R. (2012). Nurturing mindfulness in children and youth: current state of research. Child Development Perspectives, 6(2), 161–166.
- Gu, J., Strauss, C., Bond, R., & Cavanagh, K. (2015). How do Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Improve Mental Health and Wellbeing? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Mediation Studies. Clinical Psychology Review, 37, 1–12.
2015.01.006 - Hedges, D. W., & Woon, F. L. (2010). Early life stress and cognitive outcome. Psychopharmacology,214(1), 121–130.
- Kabat-Zinn, J. (1994). Wherever you go, there you are: Mindfulness meditation in everyday life. New York: Hyperion Books.
- Kuyken, W., Weare, K., Ukoumunne, O. C., Vicary, R., Motton, N., Burnett, R., … Huppert, F. (2013). Effectiveness of the Mindfulness in Schools Programme: non-randomised controlled feasibility study. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 203(2), 126–131.
113.126649 - Lillard, A. S. (2011). Mindfulness Practices in Education: Montessori’s Approach. Mindfulness, 2(2), 78–85.
011-0045-6 - Meiklejohn, J., Phillips, C., Freedman, M. L., Griffin, M. L., Biegel, G., Roach, A., … Saltzman, A. (2012). Integrating Mindfulness Training into K-12 Education: Fostering the Resilience of Teachers and Students. Mindfulness, 3(4), 291–307.
012-0094-5 - Mendelson, T., Greenberg, M. T., Dariotis, J. K., Gould, L. F., Rhoades, B. L., & Leaf, P. J. (2010). Feasibility and Preliminary Outcomes of a School-Based Mindfulness Intervention for Urban Youth. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 38(7), 985–994.
010-9418-x - Rempel, K. D. (2012). Mindfulness for Children and Youth : A Review of the Literature with an Argument for School-Based Implementation. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 46(3), 201–220. 1080/0886571080214749710. 1 093/clipsy.bpg01510. 11 86/1477-7525-1-1010.117/
153321010731162410. 1 093.clipsy/bph0771 0. 1 01 6/j.cpr.20Q5 .04.00710. 103 7/0022-3514.84.4.82210. 1080/0 16095 1080229096610. 10 16/j.chc.2005.06.00310.1111/i. 1475-35 88.2006.00430.x10.1 01 6/j.tsc.2006.06.00410. 1097/ PEP.0b013e31815fl2081 0. 1 023/B:TOTS0000022620. 1 3209.a010. 1375/bech.27. 1.110.1207/ sl5326985ep2801 410.1 11 1/1467-8721-0009910.1 11 1/0022-4537.0014810. 1 037/0022-006X.72. 1 - Schonert-reichl, K. a, Oberle, E., Lawlor, M. S., Abbott, D., Thomson, K., & Diamond, A. (2015). Enhancing Cognitive and Social–Emotional Development Through a Simple-to-Administer Mindfulness-Based School Program for Elementary School Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Developmental Psychology, 51(1), 52–66.
a0038454.Enhancing - Sibinga, E. M. S., Perry-Parrish, C., Chung, S., Johnson, S. B., Smith, M., & Ellen, J. M. (2013). School-based mindfulness instruction for urban male youth: A small randomized controlled trial. Preventive Medicine, 57(6), 799–801.
ypmed.2013.08.027 - Snel, E. Calme et attentif comme une grenouille : La méditation pour les enfants…avec leurs parents. Paris : Arènes.
- Zenner, C., Herrnleben-Kurz, S., & Walach, H. (2014). Mindfulness-based interventions in schools_a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 5(June), 1–20.
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Aqui você vai encontrar uma lista de questionários utilizados na pesquisa para estudar meditação e educação através da literatura. Se você deseja utilizá-los, você precisa verificar a licença para o uso, se o questionário é feito para uso clínico ou escolar: questões podem ser orientadas e não adaptadas ao que você gostaria de aprender, e se há alguma versão na linguagem que você precisa. Frequentemente, você poe encontrar uma versão curta e uma longa destes questionários. Por fim, verifique se as questões são adaptadas ao seu grupo etário (complexidade das questões).
- Emotion: depression/rumination (clinical use) Response Rumination Scale (RRS) /Autor original: Susan Nolen-Hoeksema 1991
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Mais detalhes
AFTCC: organização sem fins lucrativos francesa para terapia cognitivo-comportamental
INSERM laboratório: centro de pesquisa de epidemiologia e bioestatística (Universidade de Bordeaux): estudo em andamento para avaliar o efeito do “foco, está funcionando!” no sucesso acadêmico e bem-estar dos estudantes da escola.