We have received many requests for the adaptation and use of our OCEANA material for a young audience (under 8 years old).
This project to adapt the content of the kit for younger children is part of our goal to extend the use of our kit to a wider audience. The team, consisting of several young researchers in cognitive sciences and several kindergarten teachers (both in public and Montessori settings), began the project after CogniForum 2022 and in one year has completed most of the tools for a new kit for children aged 3-7.
The kit is organized into 5 chapters: Brain, Emotion, Memory, Attention, and Executive Functions. In this kit, we follow Robi the robot, a character already present in the original OCEANA kit. An exciting adventure that is now awaiting beta testers before we release the entire kit for free online.
Would you like to test this material? Participate in the beta test of our version! To do so, scan the QR code or follow the link to the registration form at https://forms.gle/2EHq9hxJwdvqcS7B9
To contact us: contact@cognijunior.org
Thank you!
The Cogni’Junior Team