In 2021-2022, the OCEANA team at Cogni’Junior implemented a video support program for the OCEANA kit sessions:
Despite having a ready-to-use kit, getting started can be challenging. In 2021, we introduced a video journal to assist primary and secondary school teachers in conducting the 18 lessons from the 4 chapters of the kit.
The videos will include:
More in-depth scientific explanations of certain concepts presented in the kit to help you feel more comfortable when presenting them in the classroom.
Explanations and demonstrations of how to implement the activities in the classroom: We understand that activities may require adaptation from one age group to another, and understanding the activities and imagining these adaptations can be time-consuming. Therefore, our teachers share their classroom experiences and demonstrate them in the videos.
In compliance with the right to privacy and GDPR, here is the procedure we have put in place:
Parents were informed of the project, and their consent or non-consent for the use of their child’s image was taken into account. Classroom image captures were framed to respect this preference.
The creation of the videos was carried out by a small team, allowing us to precisely control the image captures in the classroom before selecting the sequences (see team below).
Parent validation of the selected sequences was obtained before transmitting the sequences and the other necessary elements for the assembly of the final videos to an editor. If necessary and as per parents’ requests, visible children’s faces are blurred by the editor.
No recording other than the selected sequences is retained afterward.
The team is extremely proud that this series of videos is supported by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation.
We will release the videos online as they are produced and inform the community of their availability with each publication.
We thank the children, parents, and school leaders for their participation in this adventure, which we hope will enable everyone to make the most of the kit in their classrooms or at home!
The video creation team:
Sylvain Estebe: Student in cognitive science at IDMC in Nancy, former composer.
Roselyne Chauvin: Researcher in cognitive sciences at Washington University (Saint Louis, Missouri, USA).
Camille Roullet: Student in Master 1 of Cognitive Sciences in Lyon.
Béatrice Wiscart: School librarian at the National Education, holder of a philosophy degree and a DU in Learning Through Play from INSPE Lille.
Adeline Lucchesi: Holder of a research master’s degree in cognitive sciences and now a Montessori teacher internationally (UK, USA).
Virginie Sapelier: Certified biology teacher at the National Education, holder of a Master’s in Training Engineering and a DU in Neuroeducation (University Paris – Descartes).
Isabelle Malet: Specialized school teacher at the National Education; Holder of a DU in “Neurosciences and Lifelong Learning” (Angers).
Eva Chrétien.
Claire Birota Moncet: Elementary school teacher, CM2 class.
Sophie Griffaton: Elementary school teacher, CM1 class.
Nous mettrons les vidéos en ligne au fur et à mesure de leur confection et informerons la communauté de leur mise à disposition à chaque publication.
Nous remercions les enfants, parents, et chefs d’établissements pour leur participation à cette aventure qui, nous espérons, permettra à tous de s’emparer du kit dans leur classe ou à la maison !